Sydney Reviews!

So, I was just in Syndey (my first international ABCs Bootcamp!) and the guys posted some great reviews! I thought I’d throw them up because I’m quite proud of them!

Here’s what Reminisce had to say:

“I would like to start off by saying that I have not been paid for this review. My efforts and time writing this review is simply a way to showcase my gratitude and appreciation for JT and Gareth during the boot camp.

I will also take this opportunity to thank the awesome guys that joined me in attending this Boot camp. The boot camp was awesome and a blast not just because of the coaches but also because of you guys. It was an honour and privilege to have you guys as my wingmen. I wish you guys wherever you are now in the world find love, prosperity and happiness in your lives. I hope that someday our paths will cross again (hint alumni dinner).

I’ll start by saying that both coaches know there stuff, they truly are over qualified to teach us humble mortals the fine arts of seduction.

JT: JT strikes me as a very private and deep person. I genuinely believe he cares about the successes of his students and helping them bring out their full potential. His skills have to be seen to be believed. My initial scepticism was soon replaced with only deep respect and admiration of what this gentlemen has been able to archive in his life. He has a very dominant presence and never once did he give me an impression that there was any situation that he couldn’t handle.

Gareth: What can I say about Mr Jones that he himself has not said already :lol: . He truly is one of the coolest people that I have had the pleasure of meeting. I have seen his magic of the linguistic gab turn unsuspecting hotties into giggling schoolgirls and then into horny vixens. Poor ladies never stood a chance against this sexy beast. He is a very warm and fun loving person, his energy is quite contagious so be warned. If any of you guys every get the chance to hear him speak about his text game I suggest you guys take him up on it. It is mind blowing.

Day 1:
We go over the principles of A & B, body language, BT, Attraction switches, ways to approach etc.

1st Venue: AA was pretty good, opened a couple of sets here and there. One of my sticking points before the BC was that I would only go for the average looking girls had no trouble approaching the gorgeous women tonight. Opened a three set nearby and invited them to our table. Watched in awe as Gareth worked his magic on one of the girls and played fantasy wedding with her and grab her number. Learnt how easily girls would even forget about their guy friend (it was his birthday as well!). Found out I’m pretty good with opening and just fluff talk. Opened some more girls but realized I was vulturing around the club a bit.

Venue 2: Open a girl outside the venue, asked her to help me and one of the guys get into the club. She did and we got into the club free! JT told me to open a girl at the bar so I did she just looked at me and then turned around. I wasn’t too fazed by it to be honest. Started hovering and then saw JT open direct these two euro chicks. Very niceee (borats voice)

Venue 3: Gareth bounced us to another venue, by now I was pretty tired and didn’t really do much but I did open this lone wolf with a opinion opener and got a couple hugs and kisses on the cheek.

Day 2:
C & D principles , direct approaches, kino escalation, Isolation tactics. Too much information to cram. Here is when I regret my half assed attempt at homework preparation for the BC.

Venue: Props to one of the guys for getting a reserved roped off area you the man, you know who you are lol. Struggled with opening tonight, mind made up too many excuses by trying to find the perfect set. Eventually opened a three set, 2 hot sisters and a friend. Had great conversation with one of the sisters but couldn’t escalate and totally forgot about grabbing her number until JT reminded me too. She didn’t….was later told about how I was weirdly slanting while talking to her wtf i never even knew I was doing that. Pretty disappointed with myself tonight.

Day 3:
E & F, logistics, LMR tactics, AMOGING

Venue: Had a blast tonight AA was like 2 for me. Opened a 4 set which soon became a 7 set, managed to isolate one back to our area. Lost count of how many I opened, went direct on a couple of them as well, tall blonde ones I might add. Pull another 2 back to our table. Found my sticking point was not being able to display dominance when the girls were being rude, and also that I couldn’t escalate. Homework preparation guys seriously do it.

Overall guys it was for me an Awesome experience. I learnt a lot, have a game structure in which I can follow, met a cool bunch of guys. For me the hardest thing about the Boot camp was actually putting the deposit. I wrestled alot with my emotions while waiting for the BC to arrive. Admitting that you need help isn’t the easiest thing to do. But for me I have no regrets about the BC, it was a blast and definitely recommend it to you guys who are sitting on the fence about it.”

Review here:

And an excerpt from my boy a-z:

“On the whole, I have no regrets attending the bootcamp. I not only have no regrets, I am also extremely glad to have met both JT, Gareth and the rest of the bootcamp mates.

I believe this bootcamp has brought my game to a new level. The days ahead will prove this to be true!…”

You can read his full (and very long!) review here:

Additionally, a-z took it upon himself to write me a review specifically! Thanks, C!


I think Gareth deserves a bootcamp review.

I met him in the Sydney July Bootcamp and my first impression of him was that he was a very friendly guy…

I thought he and JT was a good combination at that recent bootcamp. While JT was a great instructor and an amazing example to learn from, Gareth would often come in to fill in the details and offer further explanations in and out of field…

He carries a very fun party guy vibe that often lighten up his surroundings. This is sometimes helpful to students who are attending a bootcamp…

Furthermore, he is very approachable when a student comes up to him with any questions…

But make no mistake, like JT, he will not shrink from telling you things that you need to hear… I think this quality is present in most of the ABCs Instructors and coaches.
I think this quality is very important if you are an instructor or a coach because people need to hear the truth about themselves before they can effectively make some changes.

And most of all, he has GAME and he proved it to us on the final night of the bootcamp.

On the whole, he set a great example and did a great job in instructing and coaching us.

Cheers! :)

And Rokulee (who described it as three of the longest and greatest days ever!) :

“Firstly, bootcamps are usually pricey( for a student like me). Getting your money’s worth usually depends on yourself. If you’re willing to do all pre bootcamp homework and preparations and attend the bootcamp with an open mind and a great attitude and follow what the instructors say, you might just find it worth every cent you paid for.

Each day, we would start in the afternoon at a hotel attending lectures about theory, taking notes and doing excercises(such as body language excercises and openers) The amount of information in those lectures that you get is so much and I felt so overwhelmed but this was because they were really trying to give me my moneys worth and fill me with as much knowledge as possible( prob years of their experience) in just 3 short days.

When night came, we would be going in field to put theory into practise. After a long night, we would head back to the hotel in the early morn for a debrief and feedback about our performance along with some constructive criticism. The instructors are not there to be your friends or to show you how good they are. They are there to monitor, give encouragement and feedback and guide us. but as I said earlier, and do not expect them to hold your hand because its all really up to you to make the best of what youve paid so much for.

My experiences:
Day 1
Met other guys who would become my bootcamp mates(You guys know who you are heh) along with J.T and Gareth.
After the lecture, we went out for field practice. Was excited and super nervous at the same time….The first set I open blows me off. Strangely I dont care or feel anything which is great.

Later under J.T’s command, I kick start a tall Brunnete and surprisingly do not get blown of until her friend tells me that the two big white guys seated down and staring at me intently are their bfs..I politely eject but I felt that the set had gone rather well for a newbie. Later at venue 2, I was getting a little frustrated at just vulturing and not opening, so I spot a cute blonde and decide to go balls to the wall and open her, Turns out that shes frm Canada and her reaction was better than expected. In fact she seemed abit flattered that I had came up to talk to her. It was a great feeling for me. Ran out of things to say so I ejected.

Later while seated and talking to some guy I had just met, I randomly said Hi to a girl passing by. The guy I had just met suddenly got interested in her too and soon they were kissing right in front of me and I was like wtf just happened. A little dent on my ego but I just laughed it off. Went to a quieter area of the venue to talk to another bootcamp mate and he managed to get a good interaction going with a random girl passing by so mad props to him :D

Overall, Day 1 had shown me that getting blown off just doesnt matter and anything is possible which really got me prepared and psyched up for Day 2….or so I thought…..

Day 2
A bootcamp mate had managed to get us an area in the Ivy which was super awesome(thanks to that awesome individual ! :) ) However that place seemed super posh to me and all the people there seemed really posh and highclass and hot which really caused my AA to skyrocket.

I rmbr vulturing alot around the dance floor really stressed and even going into the toilet to read my cheatsheet. After that I went back to “home base” and remember Gareth giving me some really good advice about going direct and high energy. I managed to use that to open a 2 set of twins and got one of them to sit down in a compliance test. That fizzed out eventually but I manage to build enough BT on a girl whom J.T had introed to me to get a kiss on the cheek but going for the full k close failed. That night was a really mentally tough on me but I had learnt some really important lessons

Day 3
The best day for me in this bootcamp. We went back to venue 2 of Day 1. It started out with me vulturing abit still feeling some AA after my experiences from last night. Decided open with high energy 2 hot blondes using the kickstart. Got really positive responses and they came by later to look for me.

However she said that i would have to promise to give her some pizza while she goes to get her friend to join us but I told her playfully “not unless you work for it first!”…and her whole attitude did a 360 degree turn and she got insulted and left…

Didnt let that affect me and opened a few more sets with the kick start. Got a number close from an Asian girl after opening her and a friend near our table and tried for a k close with a hot ass brunette I think i got a slight peck on the lips instead before she broke out laughing, guess she was kinda tipsy. Even went super high energy direct “Youre Gorgeous!!!” on this small gorgeous blonde girl on the dance floor in front of her friends and got a really positive result with her really smiling and I talked to her for abit before ejecting as again I had ran out of things to say.

That night, however I was just feeling great as I had hardly any AA however i I really need to work on what happens after the A and B part of the phase..the Cs until the F!

All in all, attending a bootcamp was at times tough mentally but I managed to have fun, met awesome new people and blew away alot of my limiting beliefs. Mad props to J.T and Gareth!! These guys really changed my world view and they sincerely want to help us become better people. I would seriously recommend this bootcamp to people who want to make a change in their lives.”

Review here:

~ by thegarethjones on September 9, 2010.

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