Dallas Jan ’10 Review from SNL Student!

•September 9, 2010 • Leave a Comment

“Hey, There!

So, I check my email and read about how even JT, the Asian Playboy himself, is susceptible to AMOG attempts. If you have a beautiful woman on your arm, douche bags will try to AMOG you. I came to the realization that having strong game is not an option if you want a desirable woman-it’s a necessity to get and keep her. I needed to get my act together and he is the best man to teach me how…

Dallas-talk about getting dropped into the deep end with sharks. But I came to learn. If I can do it there, I can feel confident anywhere.

Day one was the most stressful. Approach anxiety was high due to lack of preparation on my part but also due to the fact that I haven’t physically approached in years. But JT and Gareth lectured, coached, encouraged and when necessary, kicked me in the ass to face the music and take the pain.

Day two, I just decided to have fun. I actually worked on the homework, took Gareth’s fashion advice and went shopping with the other students, who generously gave me advice. That night, I was much more prepared and thus, relaxed. Confidence was high and I just went after the specific goals for the night while going at my pace and just having a good time. Watching JT and Gareth work was an education unto itself as well as an inspiration. To the untrained eye, they were just a couple of partiers but they had full situational awareness and were assessing and coaching the students and myself throughout the night.

Day three, I was dog tired. Did more homework, got more bold with my wardrobe and charged ahead into our last night. Despite no (real) kiss or number closes so far, I deemed the weekend a success. I came here to learn to fish, not get handed one. The experience of going into the field with an actual proven game plan was what I came for. I was exhausted from all the lectures, drills, shopping and actual going out…but when game time hit, things just clicked. I approached without fear. Rejection was just a part of the game.

I don’t even remember when I opened the set, but an HB 8 responded. I played it by the numbers. I was direct, she complied, I isolated, built rapport with her group (which included a guy), had stories prepared and knew how to escalate. JT could see everything and gave accurate notes when I got stuck. (As a testament to their teaching, the women I’d managed to isolate had been so enchanted by my clumsy spell, I didn’t even have to be discrete in getting up to ask him a question in the middle of a set.) I finally kiss closed as she dodged my lips until I found hers, only to have her shove her tongue past my tonsils. She came and went to dance provocatively with her friends. As instructed, sometimes, I joined her friends to be social and sometimes, I brought back another girl. Social proof and jealousy had her literally standing there, dumbfounded. She started following me around the club like a lost puppy and wanted me to follow her to join her friends. But I was there to game. I told her I was going to the patio.

AMOG-So, we were on the crowded patio in each other’s arms while she played her little “catch my lips if you can” game with me when a guy tries to take her attention by speaking French to her. A linguist, she couldn’t resist shouting back in French to the guy. Completely ignoring me, he tried to strike up a conversation with her from the side. I blocked him out with my body and told her, “I didn’t know you could speak French too! I’m very fluent…croissant, escargot, french fries.” She busted out laughing. Guy kept walking.

When I’d had enough of her sexual displays and crotch groping (and run out of things to say between making out), I recognized that my receiver was open for a touchdown.

We went to her place.

On debriefing, JT demanded to know if I had closed. “I closed inside her,” I replied.

(Big thanks to Gareth, who was kind enough to come up for air while making out with a wild brunette to give me a condom.)

I will be the first to say that, given my level of skill, I did indeed get lucky. But as the two gurus pointed out, luck is just preparation meeting opportunity.

Good Hunting, Gentlemen.

AZN Clark Kent”

Originally posted on the ABCs forums here: http://www.abcsofattraction.com/community/reviews-testimonials-f42/asian-playboy-gareth-jones-dallas-boot-camp-and-snl-t4285.html

Short But Sweet – Orlando Oct ’09 Review

•September 9, 2010 • Leave a Comment

“When you see a bunch of Asians guys enter a club, of course you assume they’re all going to hang out by themselves in the corner. Imagine how surprised you are when they bring 80% of the girls in the club back with them. Even the bouncers commented that they had never seen anybody do anything like that, let alone some Asian guys.

This boot camp was absolutely sick. All of the students had incredible success and made tremendous progress. I think a big part of it was that we were all feeding off each other’s successes, which motivated each of us to do better. When you see another student pull a girl back to the booth within 5 minutes of arrival, it pushes you to go for it and do the same.

Another huge factor was the different boot camp instructors. While they all use the ABC’s system, the system is flexible enough to accommodate vastly different styles. Each student was able to learn the style that fit him best.

Gareth is the master of storytelling. He can take a story about a book bag at Starbuck’s and make it fascinating and sexual. His fashion sense is incredible too. His bag of tricks seems endless, from text game to freeze outs to indirect game.

William is an analytical, direct machine. During the day, he’s a normal guy who eats a lot of fruits. When his hair goes up though, he grows 8 inches taller and more muscular, and charms panties off with his devastating charm and sincerity. His teaching style is equally direct and devastating.

Kevin is an all around Jack of all Trades, able to effectively use different styles and techniques. This allows him to be flexible and accommodate any situation. He is also a master of the fundamentals. In sports, they say that fundamentals wins games. Well, in game, fundamentals get you laid.

– SpacePirate”

Originally posted on the ABCs forums here: http://www.abcsofattraction.com/community/reviews-testimonials-f42/orlando-bootcamp-review-read-this-t3913.html

12 Weeks of Fury Initial Review and Followup!

•September 9, 2010 • Leave a Comment

At the ABCs, we offer a 3-Month, extended training program designed to iron out every aspect of your game. You can check it out here. Synthetic was one of the first students to take part in it and below you’ll find his initial impressions of the program, as well as his followup, several weeks later.

“Review for ABCs of Attraction 12 Weeks of Fury with Asian Playboy (October 6 – October 8 )

I will write this review as it pertains to my personal experience, thoughts and growth, and in the most honest way possible.

Background & Pre-Bootcamp:

I just recently turned 24, and quite frankly I sucked with girls (didn’t date till I was 22 and I had the Asian Lemming syndrome, get a good job the girls will come) till about 2-3 months ago. As I’ve been told by others, I am a pretty good looking guy (5’10” pardon the Asian genes, athletic, and a good smile), but my mental blockades and programming really prevented me from realizing any success with women.

I didn’t get my first kiss till I was 23 (embarrassing I know).

I took a VA bootcamp around August 13. I didn’t really begin pickup till that week before. I did well in the VA bootcamp, got number closes, some kisses on the cheek, and Matador was my teacher for the 3rd day personal training. I still had some rough edges to sand down.


JT – Also known as the Asian Playboy. JT was a really laid back guy for me (however, he was more strict with the other two applicants in the 12 weeks of fury). He was very knowledgeable and answered all my questions regarding game. He also made numerous comments (how too much Buying Temperature (BT) on an Asian girl can make her feel uncomfortable while the same amount of BT is just fine for a Caucasian girl).

Gareth – JT’s assistant for the program. Gareth is a very cool guy, he critiqued all aspects of my game. He found my weakness (story-telling) and worked to improve it. He is super savvy on fashion and told me what to wear and what not.

Gareth and JT taught me a lot about Body Positioning and how to really defend AMOGs.

Program itself:
The 12 weeks of fury program is a 3 month long program where it initially starts with a midweek boot camp and from there, your abilities are evaluated.

Midweek Boot Camp – 4 hours of class then a club of their choice
Day 1 – Approached around 20 sets, brought back 10 sets, bantered a bit. Was really having fun and got lost in the moment. Gareth then proceeded to yell at me and say go get number closes. I then proceed to get as many numbers in the last 20 minutes of closing. I get 2 numbers (trying to refind a girl in a club is quite tough)

Day 2 – This day was emphasizing on building a connection. Approached ~20 sets, locked in with a girl. She was pulled out by her friend. Then the girl who I got the SNL noticed me (I was dressed like the waiter and yes I got laid), I was not talking to her and her friend approached me to talk to her. I talk, dance and kino plow the crap out of her (thanks Matador). It’s getting hot and heavy on the dance floor, we’re making out. I get her number and she ejects from the dance floor. I text her a message within 5 minutes, and I’m wondering do I pull her to the bathroom since she’s about to leave. JT then proceeds to coach me on the spot (while the girl wasn’t looking) and actually help me get the girl back to my place by amoging some other guys.

Day 3 – This day was emphasizing on building connections and trying to kiss close. I was dead tired (I was up till 5am and I had to drive the girl back to her place). I approached a lot of sets, my dance game is pretty good, I get a few numbers from dancing and having fun and bantering. I pull 0 girls back to the table. JT proceeds to tell me you’re having too much fun and got to really get back in track.

Note: Gareth proceeds to coach us on end of Night 1 and Night 3. Night 2 I was away so I don’t know if he did. Gareth saw us on the floor, saw our weaknesses and strengths and evaluated it on the spot. Gareth did not wing us in, rather, he forced us to approach.

– Synthetic aka David”

As Synthetic says, one month later:

So month 1 has passed.

Reviews on

So I’ve been in the field with JT 1 time directly with him coaching (out of 2 time possible, we’ve postponed the other one). He notices that I am lacking dominance, I need to use social pressure to get the girl to come to me and lean into me. I watch him pretty much seduce the promoter whose this smoking hot Hapa or Korean chick (~9 for sure). She has fun with us and gives us her card afterwards. JT starts kino almost immediately after opening and it’s crazy how the girl isn’t creeped out and in fact, liking it. JT coaches me how to alpha dominant the conversation and kino plow quickly (I usually kino plow once comfort has begun).

Other then the fact JT constantly tells me to pick up Asian chicks at mixed clubs versus Asian clubs (I can’t help it, I need my yellow fix), JT is awesome. Thinking about it, I may have been able to pull the Japanese fob chick for SNL #2 in this program.

Random fact: I went to a lair meeting (Casanova Crew) and met Sexual Chocolate (former instructor for Mehow). I was a more vocal attendee and he made me demonstrate my direct opener on Hydro. JT has trained me well, so when I did the opener, Sexual Chocolate noticed my strong body language and told the audience, “I like your body language, it’s strong and it’s a good opener.” Boo yah, I was nervous as hell esp in front of a lair meeting! I’ve done this opener ~5 times (still getting out of indirect -> direct) and it’s hooked everytime AFTER JT made me do it the first time (first time didn’t hook, my body language was horrible).

My main man. Gareth has helped me through ups and downs of becoming a gentleman (not a PUA mind you). Gareth really emphasizes on making connections with females and not trying to bed every hot girl you see.

I got really cocky at times from the SNL/SDL and he put me back in order. Gareth’s suaveness and ability to read emotional states / body language really puts him at the top of his game. When I was out at Bardot with him, he was spot on that the London chick I number-closed would flake on me. He wants me to improve my hook, and I’m getting there, no longer approaching 20 sets, down to 10 sets with ~50% hook. Gareth also helps me on story-telling and putting punch lines on my stories, so I appear more interesting to the girl.

Oz is a daygamer and coaches me via text on how to pull girls for Day 2 / escalation. My daygamed girls both flaked on me at some point. I manage to get 1/2 girls back and got the SDL with her.

I haven’t daygamed in person with him yet due to scheduling problems. My goal with him? 50 Non-Asian numbers using my pet dog at UCLA/CSUN/CSULA. This will be fun. (I get Asian numbers easily, Non-Asian is more challenging because it pushes me out of the comfort zone.)

I love it. I love the price, the personal attention and quite frankly, I am honored to be one of the first graduates of this program. The camaraderie is amazing. These guys are not just PUAs who want your money (heh, somebody comes to mind and they know who I’m talking about), they are your mentors, your brothers and even life long people you want to befriend.”

P.s. Did we mention Synthetic got LAID during the bootcamp???

A Review from Voyance – July ’09 Graduate

•September 9, 2010 • Leave a Comment

What it do fellow alumni!! This bootcamp review is long overdue, but for good cause (after the bootcamp, I ended up “resurrecting” an old flame of mine, a girl I tried to date a year ago but she kept flaking on me . . . . but I’ll get into that later!!). I signed up for the ABCs bootcamp because I needed to take my game to the next level . . . . . I had done okay on my own in the past, but with very inconsistent results (as explained above, I had difficulties with girls flaking on me). I’m Chinese, tall, and athletically built, so you WOULD THINK I’m naturally good at this . . . . HA, even Claire rated me as a “solid 8” when she was asked by JT to rate my physical looks! But the thing is, I grew into this after having a late puberty, growing up skinny, wearing coke-bottle glasses, braces, bowl-cut hairstyle, haha, you name it!! So although I have been successful in changing my “avatar” long before I ever took this bootcamp, deep down I still have that “nice guy, nerdy, easily falls on the friend ladder” MENTALITY . . . . this MENTALITY is what needs to CHANGE!!!!! So let’s get on with it . . . . .


My coaches for this bootcamp were JT, Oz, and Gareth, with the lovely Claire assisting us on the exercises. Each of the three coaches is a master in his own right, and each contributed something unique to the experience. Briefly, Gareth is adept at calibrating his energy level according to the situation, and is the resident guru on mastering voice control and inflection (must be that singing experience!). Oz really impressed me with his knowledge of proper kino and body language positioning, and is an expert at “fine-tuning” the lagging areas in your game. And, of course, JT is the man . . . . he shows you how to “put it all together” into a workable system that will never fail out in the field.

Our first day of lecture focused on opening and pumping up the target’s buying temperature. For our first night out, we were to use indirect openers . . . . . I’ve never been a big fan of indirect openers, but I understood that in order to get the most out of this bootcamp, I needed to wipe my slate clean and start from square one. I decided to use an indirect opener (from my own life experience) that I had previously used the weekend before . . . . I was planning a good friend’s engagement party, and I had previously asked a girl, “Hey, what’s a good ice-breaker game to play at a party?” Haha, little did I know that Gareth would help me take this indirect opener to a whole new level later that night . . . . .


Our first night in the field was at the Edison, one of my favorite spots in downtown Los Angeles. My fellow bootcampers and I gradually acclimated ourselves to the environment, and then it was on!

To get myself in the proper mindset, I decided to warm up by opening a three-set hovering around the bar. One of the girls had a camera and was about to take a picture of the other two. I walked up to the girl with the camera right before she was going to take the picture:

Me: “You’re doing that all wrong.”
Camera girl: “huh?”
Me: (making a gesture as if I’m taking a picture) “Your angle and distance from your friends is completely off . . . . it’s a good thing I came over here to save you from taking a horrible photo of your friends!!” (Camera girl then busts out laughing . . . . I don’t think Friends 1 and 2 heard me, so they were still sizing me up)
Camera girl: “Oh, so you’re here to help us out?? Will you take a picture of me and my friends?”
Me: (hesitantly) I won’t take your guys’ picture just because you asked nicely (speaking to all three girls) . . . . my services are in high demand, it’s gonna cost you . . . . (with a very mischievous look on my face)
Friend1: “Hey, what’s your name?” (at this point, we all exchange names)
Me: “Hey, you seem like really cool girls . . . . .tell ya what, I’ll take that pic for you, and all you have to do in return (squeezing in between the two hot friends and putting my arms around them) is take a pic with me!

Camera girl then takes a pic of me and my two new friends, and a promise is a promise, so then I take a pic of the three girls together. They ask me what I’m up to that night, and I tell them that I’m there for my friend’s going away party to Australia (which was true, JT was leaving for his Sydney bootcamp in a week, and JT advised us to use this as our response the entire weekend). After some light conversation about whether they had ever gone “down under,” I tell them that I would catch up with them later, as I could tell in the corner of my eye that the coaches and three other bootcampers were gathering together. Time for some indirect openers!!!

Here’s where Gareth really came through. I told him my indirect opener . . . he didn’t like it that much, although he got the general gist of the opener. He suggested I use something more along the lines of asking the girl how to get two groups of people, who DESPISE each other, to hang out together in the same room. That’s when he had a stroke of genius, and told me his plan. We then proceeded towards the general area of a seated three-set who were just finishing a meal . . . . .

(Gareth walks angrily towards the open area in front of the three set. I follow him, looking like I’m trying to catch up to him to calm him down)
Gareth: “Dude, I can’t believe your fuckin friends!!”
Me: (exasperated look on my face) What??!!! (we immediately get the attention of the three-set)
Gareth: (holding up his hands) No, don’t even try that! I’m out of here! (then storms off, leaving me behind . . . . . Haha, now the three girls are staring intently at me, wondering what I’m going to do next . . . . )
Me: (I nonchalantly look over my shoulder, and act as if I have just noticed the three set sitting there for the first time . . . . I make eye contact with them, and play up the look of exasperation on my face) “Hey, I could REALLY use your guy’s opinion on something (All three girls nod their heads)
SeatedGirl1: “Sure, what’s going on with you and your buddy?”
Me: “Have you ever had to get two different groups of friends, who ABSOLUTELY DESPISE each other, to hang out together in the same spot?”

All three girls say yes, and I explain to them how there was drama between my group of friends and Gareth’s group of friends. Because the girls were already initially invested into the interaction I was having with Gareth when he stormed off, they were eager to share their insights into how I could mend the “tension” between the two groups. Haha, Gareth, you da man!!! The lesson I learned is that indirect openers can be made much more effective if you SITUATIONALLY SET IT UP.

Haha, at one point in the night, Gareth told me to go talk to two petite Asian girls. I talked with them for about 30 minutes, before I moved on to other sets. One of the girls was really into me, so it was clear that I would at least get a number before I left. Before we left the club, Gareth made it a point that I number close her. He and I spotted them later facing the bar, and I went up behind them and said, “Hey, let me get your number before I leave.” The two girls turned around . . . . . IT WAS A DIFFERENT TWO-SET OF ASIAN GIRLS!!!!! Hahaha, nevertheless, we started talking for a little bit. Although I didn’t get their numbers, I did find the original Asian two-set, and number closed . . . . .


Back at headquarters, we went over the previous night. Day 2 was when we really started to get into it. We went over how to approach seated sets, compliance testing, body language positioning, BT spikes. Oz has a real keen eye for critiquing the bootcampers’ mistakes with kino and BLP . . . . . he did a fine job in pointing out those areas that I needed to work on (i.e. sometimes I would lean in too far when talking to a girl, or my shoulder turn wasn’t firm enough, or I didn’t maintain proper distance).

Also, we discussed in great detail probably the most important part of game . . . . STORYTELLING. JT and Gareth are amazing . . . . they took our stories (which sounded bland coming out of our mouths) and infused them with all the right EMOTIONS to invoke the proper responses out of the target audience.

We then delved into my preferred approach theory, Direct Game. Although I naturally gravitate towards direct game, JT broke it down for me in a way that made me truly understand its strengths and weaknesses. Combining everything together correctly (voice tonality, facial expression, energy level) is crucial to pulling off a successful direct opener. And it’s amazing to see JT pull off a simple “Hi, I’m JT!”


Although JT had originally planned for us to go to another spot that night, we ended up going to the Kress because his good friend Matador was there. Haha, there were so many PUAs at the Kress that night!!! Which was perfect, because it forced me and my fellow bootcampers to up our game even more. Night 2 was all about GOING DIRECT. We settle down at our table and start getting the liquor flowing. JT and Oz immediately spot a seated five-set of Latinas in a nearby cabana. They tell me “Go! Seated five set.”
I remember JT had taught me that the quickest route from point A to B is a STRAIGHT LINE . . . . and I stay true to that, and head directly for the girls’ cabana. This works out great, it is obvious that I have an interest in them, and all five girls turn their heads to look at me as I come up to their Cabana. I maintain VERY STRONG BLP, walk casually up to the edge of their table, and stand there, with my feet set wide and in an authoritative position. I have a welcoming grin on my face (not toothy) and I slowly make eye contact with EACH OF THE FIVE GIRLS IN TURN, sizing them up, without saying a word. Just as I’m about to say something, the girl closest to me says in a very friendly and flirtatious tone, “Hi, how are you?” LOL!!! This set truly taught me the value of BLP and physical presence . . . . you can use your BODY AS AN OPENER!! I reply that I’m doing fantastic, and ask them what their story is that night. One of the girls there is from Utah, and her four friends are showing her a good time in LA. I tell them that my friend JT is moving to Australia, and in a very authoritative, but not demanding tone, I tell them to come over to my table to wish him a safe trip and celebrate with us. Haha, so I pull ALL FIVE girls from their cabana and have them sit with us at our table, and my fellow bootcampers are having a blast talking up this newly found set.

Later into the night, I can tell Utah girl is feeling me. She tells me that she’s going to go down to the floor below to go dancing with her girls, but will be back. Although I usually would have just gone with her to go dancing, I decide to stay to continue developing my direct game on more sets. A couple minutes later, I see a brunette MILF with HUGE tits approaching me, looking around as if she’s trying to find a friend, or trying to find trouble!

Me: (casually over shoulder as she’s walking by) You have a very mischievous look on your face.
MILF: Is it that obvious??
Me: Yup
MILF: (laughing) Yeah, I’m looking to get into some trouble tonight.
Me: Illegal or legal?
MILF: (laughing) Depends . . . . . I want to get on top of this go-go dancer platform and start dancing.
Me: Sure, that’s fine, but ONLY IF YOU’RE GOOD.
MILF: You bet your ass I am!!!

I then start teasing her about how she would be no competition for me on the dance floor. Using the same “my friend is going to Australia” bit, I eventually pull her to our table, and sit her down. Haha, I can see Matador and Cosmo from VH1’s Pick Up Artist nearby. Suddenly, an obvious PUA approaches us as we’re sitting down and opens, “You two definitely look like you would . . . . (long drawn out pause) . . . . have a cigarette on you.” MILF has a “wtf” look on her face and I calmly reply “Nah, we don’t. Sorry bro.” He introduces himself, and I play along without giving off any jealously or neediness. I suggest that he ask the guys at the table across the way, and he leaves without putting up much of a fight.

Nearby, Dennis Rodman is at a cabana with a camera crew, filming his new reality show. By this point, I had already been doing a lot of kino, and we were sitting side by side touching each other. MILF says she wants to go over to the cabana and bite Dennis Rodman’s ear off. I reply:

Me: “Wow, you weren’t kidding when you said you wanted to get into trouble tonight!”
MILF: “Yeah, all kinds of trouble!!”
Me: (lightly squeezing her knee) Really?? ALL kinds of trouble, eh?? (looking at her with bedroom eyes)
MILF: (reciprocating the same look) Yeah . . . . . .

And then I go in for the kiss close. Score.

Haha, after some time goes by, I notice Gareth and JT nearby. At some point, I’m talking with them, and they’re telling me I can f-close this MILF. I sheepishly reply that I don’t have any condoms on me. Without missing a beat, Gareth hands me some condoms and tells me to go do my thing.

I’m back hanging out with MILF . . . . . and Utah girl comes back from the dance floor!!!! My natural reaction . . . . . I introduce Utah girl to MILF. Utah girl seems a little jealous. MILF starts talking shit about Utah girl in my ear, as MILF’s guy friend talks to Utah girl. MILF is saying how much better her legs are than Utah’s legs. In the end, MILF is already into me, it’s a done deal, and I let Utah girl walk away with her friends. Arggghh!!! Looking back, I should have tried harder to merge them together. I should have called MILF out. I should have brought Utah over and said, “Hey Utah, MILF says she has better legs than you, whaddya think of that??” Haha.

Okay, this field report is turning out longer than expected. In the end, I didn’t f-close MILF that night, but did set up a future date. I’ll complete Day 3/ Night 3 and Conclusion after I take care of some clients right now.”

Hiroller – July ’09 Review

•September 9, 2010 • Leave a Comment
“I finally had a chance to write about my experience at the July 2009 ABCs of Attraction three-day bootcamp in Los Angeles. The bootcamp was lead by JT, the Asian Playboy. Assisting him were Ozzie and Gareth. On Day 1, we covered the first two phases of the ABCs of Attraction structure: (A) Attract and Approach and (B) Buying Temperature and Banter.

First we started with the ‘A’ phase. JT went over how to stand, how to walk, and how to physically approach sets. We then covered facial expressions and the importance of smiling. JT stressed that women will judge you within 30 seconds of seeing you. All of these things are important to building attraction prior to approaching sets.

Prior to the bootcamp, we received homework assignments to memorize canned routines as well create our own ‘natural’ openers. We practiced them with JT’s female friend while the instructors observed and critiqued our body language and delivery.

We ended Day 1 lecture with covering the ‘B’ phase. JT personally demonstrated a number of BT gambits and routines. He covered the concept of fractionating and managing BT spikes. I felt we went through this phase rather quickly and wished we spent some more time going over this topic.

After the Day 1 lecture, we went out for our first night fieldwork. Our assignment was to open 10 sets using our canned and natural openers. After allowing us to get one drink to loosen up, the instructors began pushing us into sets. As advertised on the ABCs website, our instructors ran the night fieldwork like drill instructors. “Two set, go!” “Three set, go!” “Open that mixed set!” I found this approach helpful as it prevents you from overanalyzing the approach and just do it. I ended the night opening 21 sets and got one phone number. At the end of the night, JT and the instructors gave us feedback. For me, it was to stay in set longer and to project my voice.

Day 2 lecture covered the next two phases: (C) Comfort and Compliance and (D) Direct Interest. We went over storytelling and had our DHV stories reviewed and critiqued that we prepared as part of our pre-bootcamp homework assignments. Also we learned how to take the same storytelling techniques to develop comfort stories. We went over compliance tests and JT demonstrated Advance Body Language techniques to isolate the target.

The end of the Day 2 lecture, we learned about direct interest. JT discussed how to move from general attraction to sexual attraction. We went over sexual kino escalation and kiss close tactics. The group then learned how to direct approach before our night fieldwork.

Day 2 night fieldwork was more intense. Our assignment was to open using the direct approach and to bring sets back to our VIP area to isolate our target. Unlike the Day 1 night fieldwork, I found my approaches harder to stick. Although I opened 16 sets using the direct approach, I was unsuccessful bringing a set back to the VIP area. I felt my BT tactics felt like they were not hitting. I took it pretty hard. The feedback I received from the instructors was that I need to be more dominant and have more physical control over my target to keep my approach from slipping away.

Our final day of lecture covered the last two phases of the ABC structure: (E) Extract and Escalate and (F) Fun or Fake. Before the lecture, JT took us out shopping on Melrose to pick up clothes to increase our passive value. He picked out pieces that were attention-getting but not too peacocky. I ended up purchasing a new belt buckle, a couple of shirts and trendy jeans, a vest, and a blazer.

We started our lecture going over AMOG defense techniques as well as handling takeaway girls. We also went over how to approach seated targets. Then JT went over the importance of planning your extraction and provided us with a checklist on how to prepare a plan. The subject of LMR was covered and how to apply freeze-outs to overcome them.

JT covered the final phase of the ABC structure, ‘F’. He encouraged us to seek a life outside of pickup, to develop our passive value through leading a lifestyle that women will be attracted to. The final lecture was closed with each instructor provided each participant with constructive feedback. For me, I was told that I need to be more dominant in my sets and to make my stories more emotional, less logical. Physically, I should get a more interesting hairstyle and wear more interesting accessories, as well as can be in better shape.

The group went out for its final night fieldwork. Like the other nights, the instructors were pushing into sets. It was less-crowded given it was a Sunday and I felt like I opened every possible set. However, one of the instructors, Ozzie, encouraged me to open everyone, not just sets with girls. He reminded me that at the end of the night, it’s about being social and having fun, something you can forget when you are only focusing on applying the pickup techniques we learned in lecture and overanalyzing the approach. We ended the night with instructors giving us some final feedback before we all went our separate ways.

I now believe I have a structured approach to improving my dating life, which is what I was looking for. I have a set of tools that I can begin applying in the field. If I had any suggestions for improvement, I would have liked to have seen more in-field demos and the instructors coming into our sets to observe our techniques and give more real-time feedback. Generally the instructors would push us into set and appeared to disappear.

However, I appreciated the instructors being aggressive with us on approaching sets. Over the three-day bootcamp, I approached over 50 sets. With each set, I gained new insights to further improve my technique. The one change that I noticed at the end of the bootcamp was that I feel my AA has been drastically reduced. As I learned in lecture – girls are not rejecting you as an individual, they are rejecting your approach. If one approach does not work, learn from it and move on to the next set.

The three-day bootcamp was intense!!! Sitting through 4 – 5 hours of lecture and applying this information immediately in the field was exhausting. The bootcamp was not just about collecting pickup knowledge. It was focused on applying what we learned immediately in real-life situations. This course is not for those who are not willing to follow instruction, take action, and receive constructive criticism.

I’d like to thank the instructors – JT, Ozzie, and Gareth. I learned a lot from you guys and will apply everything that you taught me.

Also I wish my fellow participants in the bootcamp well. I look forward to reading your field reports and successes.”

My First Bootcamp Reviews!

•September 9, 2010 • Leave a Comment

While, I could wax poetic about this bootcamp, check out what loveseeker had to say:

“LA BC (Jun 09) definitely expanded my horizon to life. I learned a lot about social dynamic around women, and most importantly, about myself as an Asian man. This alone can’t be put a price on it. As far as how the 3 days BC went, other BC alumni have covered pretty well in their posts!

Let me first tell you a bit about myself so you know how much this BC has done for me. I was drawn to the whole PU thing because it’d just never occurred to me that attracting women could be a set of learnable skills. That certainly gives me hope! I never have a girlfriend in my life, let alone experience with women is near zero! I grew up with girls constantly making fun of how ugly I was (suck!). Although I’ve moved to US for a while, I still can’t speak English fluently due to my prior anti-social attitude! I didn’t even know that I had been in depression till my college adviser insisted me to seek counseling. That was when it hit me that I need some serious HELP! So talking about anxieties, guys, I have a ton! I started getting inspirations from reading others’ triumph over oneself in PU forums. I still remember the nervousness the first time I went out to a bar to try an opener – it felt like the mind and body have a thinking of its own. I can tell you that learning this game by yourself is quite difficult without some sort of guidance. What I gained from this 3 days BC was much more than my 2 years of self-study! If it helped a guy like me to see himself differently, it certainly has some sort of values for anyone out there!

What made the BC so great was a team of charismatic people. Through their constantly personal attentions, I learned to manage my anxieties, and I discovered something intrinsic about myself at which I really need to address:

Poor oral and body language, tonality, and facial expressiveness
Low situational awareness
Trouble of maintaining my energy level
Lack of identifying a target after engaging people into conversation
Bail out too quickly when brain farting
I cannot BS
The most of all, as being a man, I lack of a competitive nature in other areas even when it comes to women. I have trouble on how to deal with other men and protect my target! I lost the game to myself first! I’ll have to reprogram my mind to replace these weakly upbringing habits!

I’d like to take this opportunity to thank every one in the ABC team! You guys are purely awesome!

Ozzie – thanks for staying with us the entire time and keeping us in state and tipping us what to do in-field. Your patience showed me the right way to learn this game.

Gareth – thanks for keeping us pumped-up. Your carefree and energetic attitude has definitely shed some light on me about the importance of being in the moment. This is the key to winning the game.

Kevin – thanks for keeping us in focus. Your great body language in-field would be my future reference. I’ll practice those cool improv drills that you showed us to improve my tonality and fast-thinking.

Elizabeth – thanks for winging me and making the whole approach of talking to girls much easier. I learned that talking to tall girls was not as hard as I thought before.

Claire – thanks for letting us practicing on you. Your friendly vibe taught me the value of projecting one’s self-image.

The last but greatest, JT – thanks for putting everything together and leaving a road map for others to follow. Your success in life makes others realize the possibility of their dreams. I learned from you that what it means to be an Asian man in US, i.e., don’t be afraid of going after what we want and overcome our limiting beliefs. What is good in life? It is to conquer our fears and achieve something worthwhile to look back when we’re old.

In addition, it was absolutely pleasure rolling with all the cool guys in BC. I’d love to roll with you guys next time!

To anyone who’s struggling out there, BC might be your answer! Life is too short to enjoy! So stop over-thinking and worrying, just do it!”

Originally posted on the ABCs forums here: http://www.abcsofattraction.com/community/reviews-testimonials-f42/la-bootcamp-reflection-jun-09-t3294.html

In the Way-Back Machine!

•September 9, 2010 • 1 Comment

While searching through my old reviews from when I first started with the ABCs (June ’09), I found a portion of a review our very own Kevin Feng posted regarding my first time coaching. Check it out:

“Gareth – Hey man, I really hope you enjoyed coaching, I could really tell that you enjoyed this entire experience. I could really see you taking off with this since this genuinely is what you enjoy doing in your spare time. It’s refreshing to see this kind of enthusiasm and I honestly can’t think of a better match in terms of turning a hobby into a profession. It was awesome seeing you again and it was awesome having you at the bootcamp, all the students had nothing but great things to say about you. Keep on keepin on.”

Keep on keeping on? CHECK!

Originally posted on the ABCs forums here: http://www.abcsofattraction.com/community/reviews-testimonials-f42/coaches-feedback-for-la-june-09-graduates-t3319.html

Let’s start with some reviews!

•August 31, 2010 • Leave a Comment

Might as well throw up some student reviews to get everyone in gear!

Here’s one from my very first bootcamp with The ABCs from AznBaySensation:

“The greatest part of learning is being able to give information and feedback back to the community.

I want to thank all the instructors, for your patience, honest feedback and reliable presence.

JT, Kevin Feng, Ozzie Rios, Gareth Jones, Claire. They were there with me every step of the way and without each of those facets. the quality of this boot camp wouldn’t have been the same.

The first day was great, I learned about attraction in terms of a progression and in a structured format. Seeing it this way helped me make sense of something that is usually a hodgepodge to me. Attraction was something I thought happened by chance. Being that I arrived forty minutes late, I missed the parts about why an Asian dating coach is important for Asians and the expectations students had about the bootcamp. My recommendation is if your considering a bootcamp, don’t repeat my mistake, arrive on time! That aside, I learned some cool new terms, like buying temperature, escalation and extract. I never realized when girls appraised you for sex, it was similar to the reactions one might have about purchasing something they really like. I thought this was kind of cool, connecting something we as men often view as actions only woman do, choosing to have sex with a man to something all people do, shop. That gave me a frame of reference to fall back on in case I ever wondered, “What is she feeling right now as I am opening myself up to her?”

One of my biggest limitations were my beliefs about being Asian. I always thought, because I am Asian I can’t be a rockstar. I gotta make sure I make lots of money first before thinking about girls or before it would even be possible to have choices. These attitudes made me less direct and more apt to hide in the background when sticking up for your opinion led to big payoffs. No offense to anyone, but its was a problem for all of us. JT exemplified the attitude of a direct, alpha male real well. He spoke firmly, often pretty loudly and rarely hid his opinion from us. I appreciate that aspect of the program a lot because I never get that kind of feedback from anyone anywhere else.

After the discussion about values, predominate “Asian” traits, we got to experiment with confident posture and walking. I didn’t think it was an important aspect of being a powerful, confident alpha male, but I found out I had a few problems with my posture. My shoulders slumped, feet not wide enough apart and my hips tend to gyrate when I talk. Thank you JT and Ozzie for pointing out this nervous tic. In poker, a tic is a physical action telegraphing anxiety, and in this case, when my hips moved, I was nervous. I really enjoyed the part of practicing on Claire, JT’s Model friend. She was intimidating at first because one, she was gorgeous but two, we were going to expose our tender egos to her, something I had never done in front of a girl on purpose.

It really helped me get out of my comfort zone just by practicing in front of a girl. I could never do that with a girl that’s friend of mine before, but I think now I could.

We went through a whole gamut of things like natural vs. canned openers, Kinos, story telling and BT spiking. These things I had never learned before but gave me valuable insight into the mechanics of attraction. The first night was by far the coolest night of my life.

We went to a really cool club, and approached 7 sets, 3 less than my target but nonetheless more than I’ve ever done in my life. The first set was a beautiful, tall blond and shorter redhead, and I will admit I was very nervous, but the set turned out harmless and I was able to do a short intro of about 5 minutes and get back to my table. I had a good 3, 4 sets after that with conversations varying from 5 to 15 minutes. I even approached and sat with a set of 40 year old women, now that was an experience.

I didn’t manage any kiss or F* closes, but got one number close.
We debriefed after-wards and received good feedback. Some things I learned about my actions:

More direct
volume vs. quality
letting the past go
keeping expectations to a minimum
Actively fight against social conditioning.

End of Day one.


Day two:

Keeping my wits about myself, the second day was a lot more sobering for me. I believed I was pretty good at picking up girls, but I realized being fun and sociable, able to make girls laugh doesn’t necessarily make me a sexual guy. So we learned about BLP, body language positioning today. How to keep your stance, body language situated so its clear your interest is direct toward a girl. This is something I struggled and still struggle with. I tend to approach a girl, hit it off pretty good and then wonder how to get her back to my table.

This night, we went to a rockin club, very swanky and cool. First few sets started off well, danced a little bit. I had a ton of approach anxiety at first though, lots of hot girls done up really sexy will do that to you. After some pushing by JT and Ozzie got me through it though and I managed to move on to some good sets. I managed to pull in two sets of ladies to our table that night, but both times with some slight help from the rest of the crew. Whether because we had two girls with us or that we had lots of girls with us brought by other guys, I can’t say it was all due to my skill. In the end I was pretty satisfied with day two, I had a kiss close on both cheeks but didn’t get a mouth to mouth kiss. Not too bad though, since it was first time I had gotten that far in a club.

After our night on the town, we did a bit of recap and my mistakes still related to being direct and just going for the kiss. Its something I am going to be working on for awhile.


Day Three:We focused a great deal today on how to deal with being AMOGGED and AMOGGING other people. I was surprised to learn how much its possible to be amogged by other girls. In fact, most of the time amogging is done to me by other girls. One of the biggest hurdles I came into the program with is being able to keep a good conversation going. I usually have no problems carrying on a conversation but not when I know the intent is to game her. I always run out things to say, could be a mental thing? But anyway, we practiced storytelling on the fly which was pretty cool, I’ve never seriously practiced that in front others before. Surprisingly, its pretty easy to make up a story from nothing but an idea, but I still feel kinda stupid and corny when I do it.

We touched on LMR and escalation, the basics. I have some what of a trouble really applying these parts as they are the most difficult aspects of pickup. I usually never go to bars/nightclubs in general and for the past few days, I’ve been building good vibes and maybe getting a number or two. So this is a big area I want to focus on for my upcoming journey.

The club of choice tonight was Cinema, a club with a more laid-back, smokey lounge type vibe. I wasn’t feeling the smoking and punk-rocker style chicks in the beginning, used lots of excuses not to introduce myself and do some approaching. Ozzie, Kevin and JT quickly broke them down and I was able to do some moderate approaches. I wasn’t really connecting with anyone until a few hours into the game. Most of the girls weren’t attractive to me, but I didn’t approach many girls to find out anything about them, pickup is being social as well right?

It wasn’t later in the night, against my reservations that I approached a black girl. And it turned out surprisingly well. We talked, danced, isolated and got a number close. I was geniunely surprised. I never considered I would date a black girl, wasn’t anything racially motivated, I just don’t feel attracted to them. But, approaching this black girl and closing her made me think maybe many of our opinions are formulated based on fear of the unknown. If I was still in LA, I probably would’ve gone out with her. Escalating with her has given me a new perspective.

Overall the night was the worst night of the three, but I learned the most. It was a difficult setting, filled with people/atmosphere that weren’t necessarily my type.

Several key points I learned about myself:

More dominance
Physical escalation
Sexual Escalation
Limiting Beliefs

are things to work on

Things I do well:

Banter, BTing
High energy

At the end of the day, I learned and relished this bootcamp experience. I grew so much in a matter days that would’ve taken me years to do and thanks to Ozzie, JT, Kevin, Gareth and the girls, I am slowly becoming a new man.

Thanks guys.”

Originally posted on the ABCs forums here: http://www.abcsofattraction.com/community/reviews-testimonials-f42/la-bootcamp-recap-june-5th-8th-t3270.html